Consulting | Excel Examples

PivotTable to Calculate Budget Variances

Keywords: PivotTable, % of PivotTable field calculation, hiding columns

Description: A Visual Basic for Applications procedure useful in displaying Budget variances. The procedure hides columns in a PivotTable based on the values in the PivotTable data fields.

Tip: When you create a Pivot Table field to show Budget Variance with the "% of" calclulation option, the PivotTable will show Actual as a percent of Budget and Budget as a percent of Budget. You can create a Visual Basic for Applications procedure that will hide the Budget as a percent of Budget columns.

Guide to the Example: Source data for the PivotTable is in the worksheet "Pivot Table Database". Buttons above the PivotTable on the "Pivot Table" worksheet hide and unhide the columns in the table that contain all 100% values. By hiding these columns, you can use the % of calculation option and eliminate the "Budget as a percent of Budget" columns.

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Last modified: May 21, 1996